black futures lab byp100 naacp

Black Futures Lab, BYP100, NAACP

The anti-racism groups Twisted has donated to this week are just a handful in the sea of voices and organizations demanding change. Learn as much as you can; support as many as you can however you can. We've used direct quotes below to purposefully amplify the voices of these groups.

Black Futures Lab

"Black Futures Lab works with Black people to transform our communities, building Black political power and changing the way that power operates—locally, statewide, and nationally."

"There are three ways that Black Futures Lab is a different kind of project for change: our mission to engage Black voters year-round; our commitment to use our political strength to stop corporate influences from creeping into progressive policies; and our plan to combine technology and traditional organizing methods to reach Black people anywhere and everywhere we are."

Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100)

"BYP100 is National, member-based organization of Black 18-35 year old activists and organizers, dedicated to creating justice and freedom for all Black people. We do this through building a network focused on transformative leadership development, direct action organizing, advocacy, and political education using a Black queer feminist lens."

"BYP100 envisions a world where all Black people have economic, social, political, and educational freedom."

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

"The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons."

"The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race."


Black Lives Matter. We stand today and every day with our Black friends, neighbors, and family members. We are and always have been committed to taking affirmative steps to support those who are not in the majority.

As an LYS, we focused on creating a safe, anti-racist space via in-person interactions. Now, as an online-only business, our opportunity to share our beliefs and work to create an anti-racist space is also largely online.

We welcome you to read our Diversity and Inclusivity Statement and contact us.

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