Why I heart Star. Reason 7,492

I heart Star. She’s an awesome person, a fantabulous friend, a stellar Twistedista, and quite the knitwear designer. It is this last point I would like to discuss today.

One of the indie-dyed yarns we showcased at the Sock Summit is Trish’s loverly Indigo Moon fingering. The color repeats are short and vibrant, the ply is soft and squishy, and the yarn is just plain wonderful. We decided a sample with that yarn and Star’s Prairie House Shawl would be the perfect thing for the Sock Summit – you can’t make socks with every pair of sock yarn you have, after all. (I KNOW I’m not the only one with an embarrassing amount of sock yarn in the old stasheroo).

I happily volunteered to knit the sample. I was a bit nervous, because my little Hazel baby has put a bit of a damper on my knitting output since she arrived on the scene. I had just a few weeks, but, folks, I did it. And, oh, how much I love this sweet little shawlette!

Come on in and grab a wonderful skein of sock yarn and this awesome pattern, and get to knitting. This could be the perfect holiday gift this year!

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