blue skein of yarn on background of several other colors of yarn

Weekend Round Up!

Plied Knowledge: The week that was…

At the store:

Around the web:

  • In honor of all the fabulous fresh produce this time of year we give you this grid of ingredients to make your own salad dressings! No vegetables need to wither in your fridge any longer...
  • As a counterpoint to all the excellent produce available this time of year, here is an article from Mark Bittman about what farming really looks like from America's Heartland. Quite frankly, it's a little depressing...
  • We came across this fascinating article about what people did in the days before online passwords were a thing to protect your information...
  • Need something uplifting to look at this week? Check out this wonderful artist's installation at the border using teeter-totters to bridge line between countries and cultures...
  • And finally, we give you this far more uplifting look at successful woman starting businesses at any age-even after 50. We are totally on board with getting better with age!

And totally, completely, unapologetically local:

Have a great weekend and remember, you can always find us online!


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