unwound skein and a wound skein

Tips & Tricks: Winding By Hand

Winding is a necessary evil for anyone who works with yarn. Former Twistedista Cheri loved to call hand winding a first date with your yarn. You get to learn the quirks when the stakes are low and get a feel for what your project will become. Sometimes that date goes HORRIBLY WRONG in which case, we are here to help!

-Snap out your skein. Once your skein has been untwisted and is in a giant loop, you are going to put your arms through and snap it taut like you are testing the elasticity of a rubber band. You can do this as many times as you need until the fibers feel like they've separated a bit and the skein is fluffier.
- Verify the ties are free and clear of cross strands. To help keep things tidy during dyeing, drying, and transport, ties are added to the skeins. Making sure you get all of them cut and untangled is key to the winding process...
- Put non-superwash or luxury yarns in the freezer before winding. This may seem like an odd suggestion, but it has to do with taming the fibers that naturally want to felt together. As we know from elementary school science, things shrink when they get cold and it wool is no exception.
- Use a physical item (like a chair) as a swift. We've all done it. We've all tried to just wind yarn that is sitting in a big loop on the table and it never ends well. Use something to help keep your loop in a taut loop- chair back... knees... dear friend willing to make goal post arms... something!
Try the other end if one is being problematic. It's right there. And honestly, it usually works!

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