Dishcloth Mania

Dishcloth Mania

Popular yarns and popular projects go in phases. Sometimes it's lace, sometimes it's socks, sometimes it's mohair. Right now, from what we can tell, it is good old-fashioned cotton dishcloths. And we are oh so very here for it.

colors of Lily Sugar & Cream yarn

We've just expanded the colors of Lily Sugar & Cream that we carry - stripes, spots, variegates, ombres, and solids all await. At present we have 48 colors in stock of this original and ultimate dishcloth cotton. And nearly that many on backorder from our supplier!

Free Patterns!

Twisted has two free dishcloth patterns - Easy as Pie and Grandma Marian's. You can get one of each from a single ball of Lily Sugar & Cream. Easy as Pie utilizes basic short row shaping and is an ideal way to practice that technique. Grandma Marian's, on the other hand, is a perfect starter project for simple lace knitting.

round dishclothssquare dishcloths

Dishcloths In The Wild

If it seems like we're more interested than your average bear about dishcloths... that's because we are. Twisted owner Emily's Grandma Marian was an ardent dishcloth knitter and, it being Mothers' Day, we're feeling extra nostalgic. Sure, maybe dishcloths aren't the pinnacle of haute fashion, but for Emily they embody the love that goes into every intentional stitch of a handmade item. Here's a tour of just part of her collection!

On the left (top on mobile) are sets Emily knit from Lily Sugar & Cream. You can see that the square Grandma Marian ones get washed and dried more often. They're fading, but holding up well for a few years old!

On the right (bottom on mobile) are two of the signature dishcloths knit by Grandma Marian herself. They're around 15 years old and have been used hard and machine washed and dried hundreds of times! Marian would be scandalized if they were put in a drawer and not used, but they are precious... so now they live a semi-retired life as cushioning between non-stick pans.

The uses are endless and as a project there are only upsides. They can be knit or crocheted. You can get as complicated as you want or they are a great way to learn for a beginner! What are you waiting for???

dishcloths by a kitchen sinkdishcloths by a coffee maker

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