New hours

Happy New Year, wonderful Twisted customers!

In 2017, Twisted celebrated its tenth anniversary. It’s been a heck of a journey. I care deeply about Twisted’s customers and our employees, and I want our little slice of yarny heaven to be a welcoming, supportive, stable place to work and to shop. In 2018, we’ll strive to improve at each of those things.

Starting January 1, 2018, Twisted will open at 12:00 noon during the week, Monday through Thursday. We’ll still stay open until 7:00pm on those days for after-work shopping and classes, and we’ll keep our current hours of 10:00am to 5:00pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And every hour we’re open, we’ll still do our best to help you love yarn and knitting as much as we do.

Running a small independent business like Twisted is tricky, particularly in this modern age of mega-retail conglomerates. Each new year requires finding new ways to balance new expenses (some of which, like Portland’s rising minimum wage, are necessary and good!) with the profit from selling yarn (which has a nationally set retail price). In 2018, one way we can adapt is by reducing how many hours a day we fully staff our brick-and-mortar storefront. The schedule change will also directly benefit our employees by standardizing their workdays, meaning fewer days commuting to bring home the same paycheck. I want Twisted to be a sustainable business and supportive workplace while still maintaining our dedication to excellent customer service.

Thank you for your support in this as in all things. I value your business and your friendship more than I can say. Here’s to 2018!

Owner of Twisted

New Hours
Monday – Thursday 12noon – 7pm
Friday – Sunday 10am – 5pm

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