rocket squared needles

We Tried It! Addi Rocket Squared Edition

What Are They?

You would think we have come as far as we could with needle technology, but not so! These square needles not only are supposed to be more ergonomic, but the hammered finish also changes how they feel in your hands. 


The shape and hammered finish of these needles are intended to make them easier on your hands. For those who are starting to experience hand pain while knitting for various reasons, it might be worth trying them to see if they bring back the joys of knitting without the discomfort.

Twistedista Dawn tried them on a hat project and very much enjoyed the experience of working with them. They do definitely feel different in your hands, but that's not a bad thing and it doesn't take long to adjust at all.


For those who don't like metal needles, you are simply not going to want these. Otherwise, there isn't much downside to giving them a try!

Bottom Line

There is no down side if you are needing needles for a new project to trying something new. Especially if you are noticing that your hands are starting to ache after longer periods of knitting. Then you can make the call for yourself if you want to invest in more going forward.

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