Upcoming classes
There are three very cool classes coming up next week that still have spots open in them!
Altering Patterns, taught by the lovely and talented Kate, is next Thursday, May 15 from 6-8pm. This class will cover adjusting patterns to do all those things we knitters find ourselves wanting to do – like use a different weight of yarn than the pattern calls for or to accommodate a larger bust size, for example. It’s a little bit math, a little bit creative flair, and a little bit rock-and-roll. $20.
Crochet Flowers, taught by debonair Dr. Elaine, is a learn to crochet class that will get you started in the craft by making adorable little flower embellishments. No prior crochet knowledge needed – covers chain, single and double crochet. Come check it out next Saturday, May 17 from 12-3pm. $30, plus $5 materials fee.
Entrelac, taught by Dawn from Fiber Rhythm Craft and Design, is your entry into this looks-harder-than-it-really-is technique. Best of all, the class project can be used to make a cute purse. Sunday, May 18 from 2:30 – 5:30pm. $30.