Top Down Set-In Sleeve Workshops
I love knitting sweaters. Some people are sock knitters, or shawl knitters. I love those, too, but when I’m craving a new project, I start plotting sweaters. There are so many options! Pullover or cardigan? Flowing or fitted? And what stitch? Something simple, or maybe a clever panel of interesting texture?
Yet I often hear knitters mention something very like a fear of sweaters. It is a commitment of time, resources, and attention. And there is always the big question: will I wear this? Will it fit, and will I like how it fits? Over the years, I’ve discovered some things about making sweaters that help me plot fearlessly (well, almost).
For one thing, I’ll almost always opt for top down construction. For another, I usually want set-in sleeves. Finally, short rows rule. There’s several reasons for all of those preferences, but basically, those elements add up to a sweater that is comfortable, flattering, and totally personalized.
So imagine my delight when I opened Elizabeth Doherty’s Top Down: Reimagining Set-In Sleeve Design. It was as if she’d been reading my mind, and then refined, invented, and engineered the perfect system for all sweater knitters. Astounding.
Excitingly, Elizabeth Doherty is joining us this Fall for 2 full day workshops on her revolutionary method! Whether you’ve knit a hundred sweaters, or just that rather embarrassing one that’s still in the WIP bag at the back of your closet, this will totally change your life! Sign up today, and get started on your homework (this brilliant handout is a treasure in it’s own right, with some excellent advice on swatching accurately). We’ll see you in class!
Top Down Set-In Sleeve Workshop with Elizabeth Doherty
Saturday, October 1 from 10:30am-5:30pm OR Sunday, October 2 from 10:30am-5:30pm
Each class includes an hour break and your choice of made to order lunch options from New Seasons Market Deli
Sign up online, by phone (503 922 1150) or drop in to Twisted!
Need more Elizabeth? Check out this illuminating Q & A with Emily, and visit Elizabeth’s charming website, Blue Bee Studio.
Looking for sweater inspiration? I rounded up a few of my favorites from Elizabeth’s book in this post.