Socks & Slippers: Classes for Your Feet

© Simone Alexandra

Every year at Christmas, my great grandmother would send us a big box from her farm in Stockton, CA. Inside were pounds of walnuts, pounds of fudge (with walnuts), and brightly colored slippers. I’d already developed a slight walnut allergy, but I loved sliding across the kitchen floor on frosty mornings, feet happily cozy. We have some fabulous classes this Spring to introduce you to the luxury of hand knit slippers and socks. Sign up soon – your feet, and the feet you love, will appreciate your newest accessory obsession!

Simple House Slippers: Sunday, March 20, from 10:30am-1:30pm, with Parna. 

These slippers from Temple of Knit are an excellent beginner project. You will aim to complete the first slipper in class, and you will have everything you need to complete your pair at home (and the next pair, and the pair after that). 


Turkish Bed Socks: Saturday, March 19, 26 & April 2, from 1:30-3:30pm, with Parna. These little socklets are a lovely introduction to sock knitting. The unusual heel construction is knitted flat, but after the instep, the foot is worked in the round. Traditional sock toe shaping prepares the knitter for future socks.

striped socks

First Socks – Cuff Down with a Gusset Heel on 2 Circulars: Thursday, March 31, April 7 & 14, from 6:00-8:00pm, with Emily Devlin. Discover why so many knitters love socks! This class will give you the foundation for many socks to come, and you’ll be plotting more pairs for your favorite new sock yarn.

We have tons of great classes coming up, on all sorts of subjects. Learn useful stretches, helpful techniques, new crafts, and more! To see our full class list, or enroll, visit us online, give us a call (503 922 1150), or drop into Twisted, and we’ll get you off on the right foot!


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