Sock wall make over
As much as it broke our hearts to turn away knitters on Monday, we were closed to do inventory. A necessary evil! We also took the opportunity to update the look of our sock wall and add a railing along the ramp by the entrance.
We want to thank all the staff, teachers and designers who helped out and invite all of you fantastic customers to come take a look at our improvements!
This is what it looks like when we take all the yarn OFF the sock wall to count it… yipes! | Nancy at one point demanded “yarn and a half” for counting the patterns. Leethal earned the last little trooper standing prize for counting her heart out until 10pm! | |
Newbie Sivia got stuck counting buttons. | Black Trillium Fibre Studios and Silverpurl attack the new, blank sock wall. | |
14 hours, 4 pizzas, and 1 bag of sour patch kids later – taahdaah!