Sivia Harding Clinics

We are so fortunate here at Twisted to be surrounded by experts in everything crafty. To that end, we’ve decided to play on one of our Twistedistas’ very strong teaching skills, while at the same time, offering you, our customers, another option for knitterly assistance.

So, we are thrilled to announce the Sivia Harding Clinic! Big problems, little problems, designing – whatever you need a hand with. Sivia’s Clinics will start this Monday, November 8th and be held three times a week:

Monday: 1:30pm – 5:30pm
Wednesday: 12:30pm – 4:30pm
Friday: 10:00am – 2:00pm

Like now, we’ll still offer Private Lessons for $30 an hour, and the Studio Class on Sundays from 3:30-5:30 for $20. Sivia’s drop-in Clinics at $10 per hour are just another opportunity and format to get some help with your project.

Also, everyone at Twisted is still superduper happy to help you with small issues – as always, if you have a question or problem that takes 5 or 10 minutes, please pop in anytime and anyone on staff will be happy to help you get it sorted out. Like private lessons and the studio class, Sivia’s new drop-in clinics are just another great learning opportunity if you’ve got a more complex problem to tackle.

Clinics are drop-in, which means no need to register, and cost just $10 an hour. Of course, having said that, you can always pre-register if you’d like, for as little as an hour, or as long as 4. Sivia can help you with pretty much any knitting problem you may have. She’ll get you all straightened out, no worries!

Sivia teaches lots of other classes here at Twisted, including Toe Up Socks and her Moonrise Necklace and Heart to Heart Scarf patterns. Check out our class list for all the details.

About Sivia:

As a teacher, Sivia appeals to the creative spirit, and few can remain untouched by her verve and passion for her subjects. In her classes, technique, though important, is a means to an end, which is always the delight of following the joyful knitting muse wherever it may lead. Spending time with Sivia, working on a project, can serve as a great jumping off place for discussions on all sorts of related knitterly things. Students will often find themselves inspired to experiment outside the realm of the original project, sometimes coming up with highly original designs of their own as a result.

Sivia’s specialty is knitting with beads, which she has found to have a natural affinity with lace, and can also conjure magical effects in conjunction with cables and other textural elements. Sivia loves to explore the seemingly endless possibilities for embellishment resulting from the beautiful partnership of beads and knitting. Her classes will almost always contain some type of exploration of this partnership.

Check out Sivia’s patterns.

Check out Sivia’s website.

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