Silk Garden Sock Yarn

How stoked are we? An entire box of the newest of the new in Noro-land, Silk Garden Sock Yarn, is now living happily at Twisted. Don’t you worry, we’ll definitely share, and there’s enough to go around.

It’s stunningly beautiful. Not just for socks, either – this stuff would make a wonderful shawl, or sweater, or hat, or cowl, or…the possibilities are endless, knitters and crocheters. I can just see a Pi Shawl in this (you do know that we have a Pi Shawl here, knitted by the talented and humble Michelle, out of the Noro Kureyon Sock, right?) We have a half-finished Silk Garden Sock in the shop, so if you want to fondle this stuff knitted up, you are more than welcome to.


We have all eight colors, and lots of each.


The photos don’t do this stuff justice, everyone. It’s insanely gorgeous, much like all of Eisaku Noro’s creations. Love that man!

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