movie night tonight
the mock-rockumentary “this is spinal tap” has really become something of a phenomena in both rock and film history. a fictitious band, spinal tap, has become a living, breathing entity, “reuniting” for concerts (liveaid) and appearances on such shows as saturday night live and the simpsons. there is even an “unofficial” fan site, whose content is completely based on the fact that spinal tap is real. come to twisted this friday to see what all that fuss is about. or just come to laugh at the genius that occurs when corky, lenny, ned flanders, and meathead get together to create something fake, that seems real, and is all about being hilarious. check out this excerpt from wikipedia: “This Is Spinal Tap was only a modest success upon its initial release, suffering from, among other things, the failure of many viewers to understand that it was not a real documentary. Audience feedback cards from early screenings had comments such as “Too shaky. Get new cameraman.” However, the film found greater success, and a cult following, after it was released on video.”