Malabrigo bad news
In case you haven’t already heard, there is bad news from Uruguay. This from the Malabrigo website:
On May 29, 2008, the building where we have our mill in caught fire.
The fire started in the floor below us and was bravely contained by the fire department of Montevideo . They were still fighting the flames this morning.
Even though our floor did not catch fire, it seems there is substantial damage on our mill and offices caused by the soot and smoke. We do not really know as the firefighters say that we cannot get into the building at least until tomorrow, if we can get in at all, as there is considerable structural damage.
As you may understand all deliveries are stopped until further notice, we hope we can resume our dyeing activities next week, probably in another location, but we will not know anything until we get inside the building.
Please note that as the offices were in the same building at the moment we cannot access any record for any order or previous communication so we ask for you to be patient if we do not reply to you fast enough.
We thank you for your continuing support and we hope to be up and running soon.
We don’t know anything more than this now, or how it will affect our stock in months to come. We’ll let you know when we know more.