Baby Surprise & Beyond


(c) myriadlane 2014

With over 25,000 projects on Ravelry, you know the Baby Surprise Jacket must be something special. Described as “a very entertaining piece of knitted engineering” by Elizabeth Zimmermann when she “unvented” it in 1968, the ubiquitous BSJ is also an incredibly practical, comfortable, little sweater. Almost seamless construction and clever shaping combine with squishy, stretchy, garter stitch to make it the perfect cardigan for young ones to play and grow in.

The unusual, origami-like structure of the sweater and EZ’s rather pithy writing also make the Baby Surprise Jacket a wonderful subject for a class. Join Parna Mehrbani, and tackle the pattern with enthusiasm instead of mystification!

Baby Surprise Jacket: Sunday, December 4, 11 & 18 from 12:002:00pm 


(c) Twisted 2016

We have lots of great classes coming up! Whether your finishing last minute gifts or looking to escape from the Holiday rush, Twisted is exactly where you want to be.


Blocking – It’s Magic! Saturday, December 3 from 10:30am-12:30pm

Intro to Stranded Knitting – Neon Snowflakes Hat: Saturday, December 3 from 4:30-6:30pm

High Tech Crafting – Knitting with Your iPad: Monday, December 5 from 6:00-8:00pm

Intro to Short Rows: Thursday, December 8 & 15 from 6:00-7:30pm


For more information on these, and all our fabulous upcoming classes, or to enroll, visit our website, give us a call (503 922 1150), or drop into Twisted and we’ll make sure you have everything you need for your next project!

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