April/May Contests

April’s haiku contest addressed the theme of crafting and the weather. Not an obvious link, but we had faith you all would come up with something brilliant. And we were not disappointed. In fact, though we’re the first to admit that we usually go for the funny poems, this month Brianne swept us off our feet her very lovely and perceptive lines. We both just love this haiku and think Brianne is quite talented.

Rivulets of rain
make cables down my window.
Inspired, I knit.
-Brianne P.

Now for May’s contest, which is NOT a haiku at all. We’re looking for a slogan for Twisted. Think “Got Milk” or “Just Do It.” Something appropriate for t-shirts and bumper stickers. Something fun, funky, and fresh. Something that encapsulates the Twisted vibe. Feel free to submit crazy and/or bawdy slogans, as we’ll surely enjoy reading them, however the winner will be something that your mother would not be embarrassed to read on the bumper off the car in front of her while stopped at a red light. For this month, multiple entries will be allowed. Again, this is NOT a haiku contest this month! No haiku slogans, unless they’re exceedingly clever. To enter, click here. This month’s prize is a t-shirt and bumper sticker with our new catch phrase on it!

Finally, thanks to all who entered April’s contest:

Scorching summer day,
Twisted needles knit and purl
Cool Christmas presents.

Rainy, windy days,
Demanding knitted sweaters.
Greys and Greens and Blues.

I love summer. But,
long days cut my knitting time.
No knitting till dark.

Season is changing
Warm sun between the cloudbursts
Eyeing stash cotton!

rain drops, no stitch drops
knit, purl, stay warm
the throw now reaches my toes

Bamboo’s cool to knit
Perfect for hot, summer days
Sweater done by fall.

Short stop at the park
Sunshine filters thru the trees
Yarn flies on needles

When it is dreary
I knit inside dreaming of
Days full of sunshine!

I still knit wool socks
Though it’s seventy degrees.
The rain will return.

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